So, Christmas has finally arrived. It feels like it's here too soon. I usually wake-up, you know, a good 3 hours before anyone is awake. This year I slept in until 7:30, which is extremely odd.
You are probably dying to know what I found under the Christmas tree... Yeah, right! I'll tell you anyway. Like every year, I got a lot of clothing and goodies. My mom seems to purchase clothing she likes, thinking I will too. Not the case. But I try to like the stuff, but this usually results in a lot of returning. She hasn't learned yet. I also got a van Gogh calendar, which is neat. My brother 'picked out' this grey/light purple indoor-scarf, it's gorgeous. Oh, I also received a body suit from Lulu Lemon! And a cute pair of Keds. But the most precious gift of all is my MacBook.

I am in love.
Right, the real reason for writing today... I want to share some Snow Cake with you. I rented the movie, Snow Cake, and I got the family to watch it. It's basically about two strange people who randomly meet and you watch their relationship blossom. Great acting, great music, great plot, great lines and interesting characters. My parents were a little skeptical at first, but came to their senses and realized how brilliant the film really is. What I'm trying to get at is: